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عقارات مناسبة للجنسية التركية
الاستثمار في تركيا
Writer's pictureTarık KAYA

Turkey-Iraq Visa Agreement (exemption from entry visas for citizens under 15 years of age and over 50 years of age)

In a development that strengthens relations between Ankara and Baghdad, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan announced the conclusion of a new agreement aimed at facilitating the movement of citizens between the two countries. Fidan stated during the Turkish President's visit to Baghdad that it was agreed to exempt citizens under 15 and over 50 from entry visas. He added: “Among the decisions we have taken is to lift visas as of 01/09/2024".

In this context, the Undersecretary of the Iraqi Ministry of Foreign Affairs for Legal Affairs, Ömer Berzinci, announced in a statement that an agreement had been reached with the Turkish Ministry of Foreign Affairs regarding a mutual exemption from visas for citizens under the age of 15 and over the age of 50.

Berzinci said: “At the beginning of September From this year, Turkey will make changes in procedures for granting visas to Iraqi citizens, which will help strengthen relations between the Iraqi and Turkish communities and develop them economically.”

This step comes within the framework of the two countries' efforts to strengthen bilateral relations at all levels, especially economic ones, which contributes to facilitating trade and tourism movement between the two countries.

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اسطنبول / الفاتح - فندق زادة - مقابل موقف الترام فاي - مجمع فيلديشي رقم 90 الطابق الأول : رقم المكتب 114

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