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عقارات مناسبة للجنسية التركية
الاستثمار في تركيا

Stages of Turkish citizenship (recent amendments)

Writer's picture: Muhammad ZeynOgluMuhammad ZeynOglu

Link to follow the new Turkish citizenship file:

To follow the naturalization file, please click on this link And follow the following steps:

Firstly The application number (Başvuru Numarası) field must be filled in, consisting of two digits and each field consisting of five numbers.

secondly The date of birth field must be filled in (Doğum Tarihi)

Third A sign must be placed √ Check the box (I'm not a robot)

Fourthly Click on the verification icon (Doğru)

Then the result of your file will appear, and you can follow the stages of Turkish citizenship for the year 2023 from this article

Link to follow the new Turkish citizenship file
Link to follow the new Turkish citizenship file

Picture of the new naturalization stages:

After changing the link to track citizenship files, the form of messages about the stages of Turkish citizenship was changed, but the content of the messages remained the same as before, only the form was changed. The result became as follows:

Picture of the new naturalization stages
Picture of the new naturalization stages

Stages of naturalization in Türkiye:

Turkish citizenship first stage:

This result appears after submitting an acquisition request Turkish citizenship Exception within a few days, which means that the request has been registered

Turkish citizenship first stage
Turkish citizenship first stage

The first stage of Turkish citizenship (new letter 2024):

After the Immigration Department system was merged with the Public Registry Department, the first stage message was renewed and the file number was added to the message for the person applying for Turkish citizenship.

The first stage of Turkish citizenship (new letter 2024)
The first stage of Turkish citizenship (new letter 2024)

This message means that the application to acquire exceptional Turkish citizenship has been registered in the electronic citizenship system and the relevant procedures will begin. File number: 11111 - 11111


Turkish citizenship, second stage:

It means that the file has been sent to the General Directorate of Citizenship in the capital, Ankara.

Turkish citizenship, second stage
Turkish citizenship, second stage


Turkish citizenship, third stage:

It means that the file has reached the General Directorate of Citizenship in the capital, Ankara, and has entered the initial verification stage.

Turkish citizenship, third stage
Turkish citizenship, third stage


What is the fourth stage, and who are the relevant authorities in the security audit stage, and how long does the archive stage and working hours last? To find out the details, go By reading the article

Turkish citizenship, fourth stage, “first semester”:

This means that the General Directorate of Citizenship has begun reviewing the documents in the file.

Turkish citizenship, fourth stage, “first semester
Turkish citizenship, fourth stage, “first semester


Turkish Citizenship, Fourth Stage, “Second Semester/Archive Stage”:

It means that the file has entered the archive stage so that search and security audit procedures begin.

Turkish Citizenship, Fourth Stage, “Second Semester/Archive Stage
Turkish Citizenship, Fourth Stage, “Second Semester/Archive Stage


Turkish citizenship, the fourth stage, “the third semester/permanent stage”:

This means that search and security audit procedures are still ongoing.

Turkish citizenship, the fourth stage, “the third semester/permanent stage”
Turkish citizenship, the fourth stage, “the third semester/permanent stage”

Turkish citizenship, the fourth stage, “The New Mission 2024, merging the archive stage and the permanent stage”:

After merging the General Immigration Administration system with the Turkish civil registry system, the message that appears to applicants for Turkish citizenship has been modified and means that the security search and verification procedures are still continuing.

Turkish citizenship, the fourth stage, “The New Mission 2024, merging the archive stage and the permanent stage”
Turkish citizenship, the fourth stage, “The New Mission 2024, merging the archive stage and the permanent stage”

It means that the file has entered the archive stage so that search and security audit procedures begin. The search and security audit procedures are still ongoing.


Turkish Citizenship, Fourth Stage “Fourth Chapter”:

This result appears to the applicant for exceptional Turkish citizenship in the event that there are missing documents. Therefore, the applicant must visit the General Civil Status Directorate in the state in which he resides to find out the missing documents and complete them.

Turkish Citizenship, Fourth Stage “Fourth Chapter”
Turkish Citizenship, Fourth Stage “Fourth Chapter”


Turkish citizenship, fifth stage, “first semester”:

It means the end of the research and security audit phase and waiting for the file to be included in the list of requests that will be sent to the Turkish Council of Ministers for approval.

Turkish citizenship, fifth stage, “first semester”
Turkish citizenship, fifth stage, “first semester”


Turkish citizenship, fifth stage, “second semester”:

It means that the file has been included in the list that will be sent to the Turkish Council of Ministers for approval.

Turkish citizenship, fifth stage, “second semester”
Turkish citizenship, fifth stage, “second semester”


Turkish citizenship, sixth stage, “first semester”:

It means that the file has been sent to the authority competent to make the final decision.

Turkish citizenship, sixth stage, “first semester”
Turkish citizenship, sixth stage, “first semester”


Turkish citizenship The sixth stage, “Second Semester”:

It means that the application is pending the issuance of the final result

Turkish citizenship The sixth stage, “Second Semester”
Turkish citizenship The sixth stage, “Second Semester”


Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “first semester”:

It indicates the approval of the application to acquire exceptional Turkish citizenship and the registration of the result of the application in the public civil registries.

Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “first semester”
Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “first semester”


Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “Second Semester”:

This means that the applicant must visit the Public Registration Directorate in the state in which he resides to receive the final result of the application.

Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “Second Semester”
Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “Second Semester”


Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “third semester”:

It is the last stage of acquiring exceptional Turkish citizenship and means that the applicant has been informed of the final result.

Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “third semester”
Turkish citizenship The seventh stage, “third semester”


Turkish citizenship / Naturalization decision:

In accordance with the new legislation, the General Civil Status Directorate has begun sending naturalization decision documents via SMS text messages. You can download the naturalization decision document by clicking on the link sent in the text message and receiving the Turkish ID card based on this document.

Turkish citizenship / Naturalization decision
Turkish citizenship / Naturalization decision

To know the types Obtaining Turkish citizenship Through investment or real estate investment by purchasing a property in Türkiye, and to obtain the best real estate offers, please visit the website Invest Real Estate

Stages of Turkish citizenship (recent amendments)
Stages of Turkish citizenship (recent amendments)



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اسطنبول / الفاتح - فندق زادة - مقابل موقف الترام فاي - مجمع فيلديشي رقم 90 الطابق الأول : رقم المكتب 114

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