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عقارات مناسبة للجنسية التركية
الاستثمار في تركيا

Embassy and Consulate of the Republic of Portugal in Turkiye

Writer's picture: Tarık KAYATarık KAYA

The Embassy and Consulate of Portugal in Turkey is a diplomatic institution that provides a variety of services to Portuguese citizens and foreign residents in Turkey. In this article, we will address the most important questions regarding the Embassy and Consulate of Portugal in Turkey, in addition to providing a detailed explanation of the services provided by these institutions, their website, their addresses in Ankara and Istanbul, and their phone numbers.

1. Addresses, contact numbers and website of the Embassy and Consulate of Portugal in Türkiye

1. Portuguese Embassy in Ankara:

  • the address: Ankara (Location)

  • phone number: 03124056028

  • (Website)

  • Business hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

2. Portuguese Consulate in Istanbul:

  • the address: Istanbul (Location)

  • phone number: 02122519118

  • (Website)

  • Business hours: Monday to Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

2. Services of the Embassy of Portugal in Ankara

The Embassy of Portugal in Ankara provides a range of services to Portuguese citizens as well as foreign residents in Türkiye. Among these services:

  • Issuing and renewing passports: Portuguese citizens can apply to issue or renew their passports through the embassy.

  • Visa servicesSubmitting applications for visas to enter Portugal, whether for tourism, study, work, or immigration purposes.

  • Authentication of documentsAuthentication of official documents such as certificates and legal documents.

  • Consular support in emergency situations: Providing support to Portuguese citizens in emergency situations such as losing a passport or experiencing legal problems.

  • Legal and financial servicesProviding legal and financial advice to Portuguese citizens.

3. Services of the Portuguese Consulate in Istanbul

The Portuguese Consulate in Istanbul offers various services focusing on providing support to Portuguese citizens and foreigners residing in the city. These services include:

  • Issuing visas: Visa application procedures to enter Portugal from Istanbul.

  • Issuing official documents: Such as residence permits, birth and marriage registration.

  • Emergency services: Providing assistance in emergency situations such as loss of passport or accidents.

  • Services for Portuguese citizens: Providing counseling services to Portuguese citizens residing in Türkiye, including information about their rights and duties.

4. How to book an appointment at the Embassy and Consulate of Portugal

To book an appointment at the Portuguese embassy or consulate, you can follow the following steps:

  • Visit the website: Enter the website of the embassy or consulate.

  • Choose the required service: Specifying the service the user wishes to obtain, such as renewing a passport or submitting a visa application.

  • Fill out the application formFill out the application form with personal information and required documents.

  • Choose an appointment: Select a suitable appointment from among the appointments available on the system.

  • Confirm appointment: After the appointment is scheduled, it is confirmed via email or text message.

The Embassy and Consulate of Portugal in Turkey offers a wide range of services to Portuguese citizens and foreign residents, with a special focus on facilitating consular procedures and support in emergency situations. Through this article, it has been explained how to access these services and the embassy and consulate websites in Ankara and Istanbul, making it easier for customers to access the necessary information and contact Portuguese consular institutions in Turkey.

Embassy and Consulate of the Republic of Portugal in Turkiye
Embassy and Consulate of the Republic of Portugal in Turkiye

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اسطنبول / الفاتح - فندق زادة - مقابل موقف الترام فاي - مجمع فيلديشي رقم 90 الطابق الأول : رقم المكتب 114

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