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عقارات مناسبة للجنسية التركية
الاستثمار في تركيا
Writer's pictureBedir Kaya

Donating real estate in Türkiye

Updated: Jul 20

What are the procedures required to donate real estate in Türkiye?

The real estate donation process takes place in the Land Registry and Survey Directorate, and the required fees must be paid in accordance with the laws. Required documents include:

  • Title deed of the property to be donated.

  • Photos of the donor and beneficiary IDs.

  • Two personal photographs of each party taken within the past six months.

  • Real estate value certificate from the municipality.

Who can donate property in Türkiye?

Any adult and sane person can donate his property. Persons who are minors or do not have legal capacity cannot donate their property, even with the consent of the guardian.

How much is the real estate donation fee in Türkiye?

Donation fees are determined annually and published in the Official Gazette. Currently, the donation fee is 68.31 per thousand of the registered property value. Fees are paid based on the value of the property registered with the municipality or the value specified in the evaluation report.

How is the property donation process done?

The donation process is done by preparing the required documents and going to the Land Registry Directorate. The ownership of the property is transferred without any financial compensation. The donor must provide a real estate value certificate from the municipality before starting the process.

What is a conditional donation of real estate?

The donor can set conditions on the donation, such as specifying specific uses for the property. These conditions are recorded in the title deed. If the beneficiary dies before the donor, the property reverts to the donor under a reversion clause.

What is the condition for returning a property donation?

A reversion clause allows ownership of the property to return to the donor if the beneficiary dies before him. To activate this condition, it is sufficient to submit the death certificate to the Land Registry Directorate without the need for a judicial ruling.

How is the property donation process cancelled?

The heirs can request cancellation of the donation after the death of the donor by filing a lawsuit. Evidence must be provided that the donor was not in full legal capacity when donating or did not comply with the required conditions.

What are the documents required to register the donation in the Registry?

Required documents include:

  • Identity of the parties and representatives, if any.

  • Representation document if the process is carried out by an agent.

  • Real estate value certificate.

  • Earthquake insurance policy in the case of built properties.

What are the financial fees for the property donation process?

Title deed fees are paid at a rate of 68.31 per thousand of the property value. It is verified that there are no financial obligations on the property after the donation. In addition, fees for operating the Tabu service are charged according to the issued regulations.

What are the procedures followed for a conditional donation in the Tapu?

To implement a conditional donation, the condition must be registered in the title deed. If the condition is met, the property is re-registered in the name of the donor. The donor can register the condition such as a recourse clause in the event of the death of the beneficiary.

Donating real estate in Türkiye
Donating real estate in Türkiye

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